Naval Engineer

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Todos os profissionais interessados devem atender aos requisitos apresentados pela empresa, como qualificação profissional comprovada, capacitação específica, certificados válidos para embarque e possuir disponibilidade e experiência na área pretendida.

Core Responsibilities
– Generate modifications and improvements proposals for FSO’s and FPSO’s  related to  structural, naval and Marine Systems and equipment (to be installed on the Vessel, including machinery equipment), by  performing   Inspection  on-board or receiving feedback from offshore team.  Consider new technology to be applied if applicable
– Verify any failure in the performance of marine equipment , ship tanks integrity and structure, preparing engineering  analysis  and implement a root cause analysis study.
– Act as Technical Authority  supporting Operation Team analyzing MOCs, Technical Queries, etc…
– Create the Design philosophy & Functional Specifications developing, maintaining and update the documents.
Implement the Lessons Learned Database, including in the system all the forms developed.
– Design new equipment for procurement preparing all the documentation necessary ( ET, FD,…) considering MODEC technical philosophy
– Provide update documentation developing the proper “as built” for all modifications related to structural, systems in order to reflect the modification during 12months
– Design technically the changes due MOCs to guarantee that the standards and Classified Society regulation, implementing all the information in KANEPI System.

Educational Qualification:
Bachelor degree in  Naval or Structure Engineering


– work experience in FPSO/FSO engineering mid-senior or Senior level of naval architecture/structural engineering skills,
– good communication skills (English/Portuguese), and
– capability to understand and comply with corporate compliance rules, HSEQ policy, and company standard.
– fluente English.

Use o link aqui para se candidatar


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